Atom Design Logo, White A shape


AdventureGrid is a marketplace for explorers to discover their next trip. Customers add a trip to their cart and receive detailed maps, history and suggestions for their next adventure.

The Problem:

Travellers, tourists and hillwalkers have to access and potentially pay for multiple services just to have the essential information they need for their travels.


AdventureGrid began as an experiment to test the e-commerce capabilities of It was inspired by Lottiefiles, an online marketplace for high quality animations, where you purchase each file individually, and receive a download to your account. With AdventureGrid, users can:

  • Pick an adventure within Scotland from the grid of options,
  • Purchase an adventure using Stripe
  • Download a document detailing knowledge of the route, exciting things to check out, etc.
Adventuregrid homepage with a grid of adventure photos of hills
Adventuregrid homepage partially built in Bubble


Integrating Stripe with Bubble was the main part of this project. We wanted to:

  • Have a complete checkout experience for the user
  • Make it as simple as possible to purchase
  • Use some of the custom functionality Stripe has to offer.


Once we had the minimum viable product (MVP) up and running, we tested various scenarios, such as a users card failing, or their account locking them out etc. We incorporated a user dashboard where they can see the adventures they have purchased, and access their own data, for privacy and GDPR purposes.

Section of adventuregrid homepage showing the online shopping basket

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